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Fresh Squeezed Opera Core Company Residency Program


The Fresh Squeezed Opera Company’s Core Company Resident program is preparing the next generation of composers and performers with the tools to collaborate effectively and improve their respective works. Music has always pushed forward by a community of creators. Currently, composers and performers are more isolated than ever. FSO’s Residency program bridges this gap to create unique music and life-changing experiences. 



Fresh Squeezed Opera’s residents have three key roles in the 2017-18 season:


1. Aid in the selection process for the pieces to be presented in the 2017 Showcase.


On August 15, our call for scores closes. At this time, I will provide each resident with a list of the Board’s top 15 pieces. From there, the residents will advise on which pieces they decide merit a performance in the 2017 Showcase. More information on selection criteria will provided at a later date.


2. Perform in the 2017 Showcase


Company residents are invited to perform in the Showcase, although are by no means required. This is a wonderful opportunity to work closely with composers and instrumentalists, to breath life into a new piece of music.


3. Participate in the inaugural Composer-Singer Workshop Program


Fresh Squeezed Opera believes that collaboration across disciplines, fields, and media pushes the genre of opera forward. With our Core Company Residency Program, Fresh Squeezed Opera aims to connect singers and composers, and give them the resources to collaboratively create new work and grow professionally.


Starting January 2018, our Core Company Residents will each partner with a composer to collaboratively create a new piece of music. This piece will be premiered at our Showcase in November 2018. Fresh Squeezed Opera will create the pairings. Over the course of six months, the you and a composer will work together to write a piece of music. FSO will provide you with a pianist and a space to work. We will also connect you with experts on vocal technique, text-setting, engraving, and any other professionals requested to guide you throughout the process.  

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