Fresh Squeezed Opera is a small ensemble-based opera company focused on presenting only new music with intimate and impactful productions. Eric Simpson of New York Classical Review states, “New York is rich in tiny upstart companies working to find ways to make opera engaging for new audiences. Fresh-Squeezed Opera stands out among these for its impressive commitment to championing new works.” Our mission is to present genre-pushing new works of the highest caliber that explore the depths of operatic music.
FSO focuses on producing works that not only are new, but resonate with contemporary audiences. As a result, we have consistently sold-out houses to a young population (average age of 30) who are oftentimes first-time opera goers. In our eight-season history, we have presented over 50 composers’ works through our various programs, including our annual Showcase of Vocal Chamber Music, our Main Stage Summer Operas, and our commissioning series.
Image credits: Left, Suji Sakamoto, Right, Johnny Call
Image credits: Left, Jill Steinberg, Right, Whitney George
Image credits: Left, Aaron Blankfield, Right, Alex Karjaka
* indicates commission
Jason Bahr
Constantin Basica
Kristen Baum*
Alex Burtzos
Ian Chung*
Leo Discenza*
Melissa D"Albora*
Kaley Lane Eaton*
Jillian Flexner*
Rachel DeVore Fogarty
Whitney George*
Gabrielle Herbst*
Dorthy Hindman
Denise Mei Hoffman
Brian Holmes
Wang Jie
Molly Joyce*
Paul Kopetz
Jane Kozhevnikova*
Sunny Knable
Veronika Krausas
Emilie LeBel*
Cixian Lu*
Robert McClure
Nick Main*
Brian Mark
Marcus Maroney
David Morneau
Nicole Murphy
Timothy Arliss O'Brien*
Emma O'Halloran
Gemma Peacocke*
Monica Pearce
Jonathan Postuma*
Paola Prestini
Elizabeth Rudolph*
Huang Ruo
Mamed Sadykh-Pur
Minato Sakamoto
Aleks Savitski
Julia Seeholzer
Alex Shanafelt*
Simer Singh*
Angela Slater*
Kate Soper
Spencer Snyder*
Devony Smith*
Greg A Steinke
Ingrid Stolzel
Nicola Straffelini
Bruce Trinkley
Dale Trumbore
Andrew Watts
Alex Weiser
Philip Wharton
Kevin Wilt
Holly Winter*
Nina Young
Kangyi Zhang

Victoria Benson
soprano, stage director, property manager, amateur sommelier

Lee Braun
General Manager
oboist, store manager, professional cat wrangler

Kristina Malinauskaite
soprano, arts administrator, chronically on-time

Maggie Rascoe
soprano, stage director, fundraiser, karaoke addict